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Showing posts with label Hack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hack. Show all posts

Knight: Clash of Heroes hack


Enable the Idle Enemy if using One Hit. if its not enable the enemy can also One Hit you. 


  1. Load the here if you want ( Knights: Clash of Heroes )
  2. Open Knights: Clash of Heroes.CT
  3. When the game is loaded do the next step.
  4. CE:  Select Process. if you don't know how click HERE. (Click "Yes" when ask to keep list) 
  5. CE:     Now enable the "Idle Enemy" and "One Hit" by checking the active box.
  6. Game: Play the game. Enjoy =)
Credit: Asrofi ( Admin )
Unknown Cheat, Hack

New! 8 Ball Auto Win Hack

Virus scanning result: 100% No virus detected!! → Virustotal

Required Programs:
  1. Cheat Engine → Download
  2. 8 Ball Auto Win Hack → Download
  1. Auto Win
  1. Open Facebook and 8 Ball Pool
  2. Open 8 Ball Auto Win Hack and select your process
  3. On the lobby, the cheat on the little box ( Ex: X )
  4. Play ball on london and you can not win or lose
  5. Ok, this is a Hack is work, Play Tournament
  6. Enjoy!!!
If you dont understand, See is video tutorial:

Please leave your comment :) 
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Cheat Baseball Heroes

Virus scanning result: 100% No virus detected!! Virustotal

Required Programs:
  1. Cheat Engine 6.2 Or 6.3 → Download
  2. Baseball Heroes Cheat → Download
  1. Anti Banned
  2. Unlimited Combo
  3. 1 Hit Max Combo
  4. Auto Swing
  1. Open Facebook and Baseball Heroes
  2. Open Baseball Heroes Cheat and Select your Process
  3. Then Active the cheat on the Little Box ( Ex: X )
  4. Wait loading game complete and Play Ball
  5. Enjoy!!!
If your dont understand, See is video tutorial

Please leave your comment :) 
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Let's Fish Cheat

Attention: If you get banned or restart to level 1, I am not renpondsible.

Required Programs:

  1. Cheat Engine -> Download here! 
  2. Mircosoft .NET Framework -> Download here!
  3. 8 Ball Cheat -> Download here!

  1. Instant Pull
  2. Always Catch Fish

  • Open Let's Fish on your Facebook
  • Open Let's Fish Cheat with Run as Administrator
  • Attach/Select your Process, ( Ex: Mozilla )
  • Select a cheat Features and click Enable or Enable All
  • Enjoy!!
Below this video tutorial

The cheat is not working or error??, Please install a Required Programs

Must be understood

My blog never worked with a blog, website, and other forums, If there is a problem to you, I am not responsible.
 Regards: Admin

Please leave your comments.
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! 8 Ball Cheat v1.4 ( 1 Feature Anti Ban )

Because time was 8 ball pool I got banned or repeated level 1, this time I added 1 Anti Banned features that I enter into Long Line. Dont worry, if anti banned not work, then the Long Line also does not work, so you will not get banned
Required Programs:

  1. Cheat Engine -> Download here! 
  2. Mircosoft .NET Framework -> Download here!
  3. 8 Ball Cheat -> Download here!

  1. Long Line + Anti Banned

  • Open 8 Ball on your Facebook
  • Open 8 Ball Cheat with Run as Administrator
  • Attach/Select your Process, ( Ex: Mozilla )
  • Select a cheat Features and click Enable or Enable All
  • Enjoy!!
Below this video tutorial

The cheat is not working or error??, Please install a Required Programs

Must be understood

My blog never worked with a blog, website, and other forums, If there is a problem to you, I am not responsible.
 Regards: Admin

Please leave your comments.
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Kitchen Scramble Cheat v1.3

Required Programs:

  1. Cheat Engine -> Download here! 
  2. Mircosoft .NET Framework -> Download here!
  3. Kitchen Scramble Cheat -> Download here!

  1. Instant Cooking
  2. Tip Bonus
  3. Visitor Hearts
  4. Visitor Hearts Gauge

  • Download and Instal Cheat Engine
  • log in to facebook account and open Kitchen Scramble
  • Open Cheat Engine and select process browser
  • Open  Kitchen.ct and check the little box when loading the game.
  • Enjoy!!!
Below this video tutorial

The cheat is not working or error??, Please install a Required Programs

Must be understood

My blog never worked with a blog, website, and other forums, If there is a problem to you, I am not responsible.

Regards: Admin

Please leave your comments.
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! 8 Ball Cheat v1.3

Required Programs:

  1. Cheat Engine -> Download here! 
  2. Mircosoft .NET Framework -> Download here!
  3. 8 Ball Cheat -> Download here!

  1. Long Line

  • Open 8 Ball on your Facebook
  • Open 8 Ball Cheat with Run as Administrator
  • Attach/Select your Process, ( Ex: Mozilla )
  • Select a cheat Features and click Enable or Enable All
  • Enjoy!!
Below this video tutorial

The cheat is not working or error??, Please install a Required Programs

Must be understood

My blog never worked with a blog, website, and other forums, If there is a problem to you, I am not responsible.
 Regards: Admin

Please leave your comments.
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Save The Cow Cheat

Required Program:

  1. Cheat Engine -> Download here! 
  2. Mircosoft .NET Framework -> Download here!
  3. Cheat Save The Cow -> Download here!

  1. No Explode
  2. Cannonball Timer Blow
  3. Infinite Ufo Beam

  • Open Save The Cow on your Facebook
  • Open "STC.exe"
  • Wait loading game Complete
  • Choose your Processor or Browser Process
  • Wait for Attaching your Browser and Click Continue
  • Choose Hack Features you want
  • Enjoy!!
Video is Cooming Soon!

The cheat is not working or error??, Please install a Required Programs

Must be understood

My blog never worked with a blog, website, and other forums, If there is a problem to you, I am not responsible.

 Regards: Admin
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Kitchen Scramble Cheat +3 New Features

Required Program:

  1. Cheat Engine -> Download here! 
  2. Mircosoft .NET Framework -> Download here!
  3. Cheat Kitchen Scramble v1.2 -> Download here!

  1. Instant Cooking
  2. Tips Bonus
  3. Visitor Hearts
  4. Easy Heart Gauge

  • Open Kitchen Scramble on your Facebook
  • Open " Kitchen Scramble v1.2.exe "
  • Wait loading game Complete
  • Choose your Processor or Browser Process
  • Wait for Attaching your Browser and Click Continue
  • Choose Hack Features you want
  • Enjoy!!
Video is Cooming Soon!

The cheat is not working or error??, Please install a Required Programs

Must be understood

My blog never worked with a blog, website, and other forums, If there is a problem to you, I am not responsible.

 Regards: Admin
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Cheat Let's Fish

Required Program:

  1. Cheat Engine -> Download here! 
  2. Mircosoft .NET Framework -> Download here!
  3. Hack Let's Fish -> Download here!

  1. Instant Pull Hack
  2. Always Catch Fish

  • Open Let's Fish on your Facebook
  • Open " Let's Fish Hack.exe "
  • Wait loading game Complete
  • Choose your Processor or Browser Process
  • Wait for Attaching your Browser and Click Continue
  • Choose Hack Features you want
  • Enjoy!!
Video is Cooming Soon!

The cheat is not working or error??, Please install a Required Programs

Must be understood

My blog never worked with a blog, website, and other forums, If there is a problem to you, I am not responsible.

 Regards: Admin
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Hack Tower War of Mercenaries




   Password  :  

Status Tested (Windows XP) 


Regards: ADMIN
Unknown Hack

Update! Hack Pull Go Fishing




Password: BLEAZ3ERS


Regards: ADMIN
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Hack Line 8 Ball




Password: BLEAZ3ERS

Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Hack Criminal Case


Kali ini saya akan berbagi Hack dengan kalian, Yaitu Hack Criminal Case, Tapi hack ini hanya berlaku untuk Windows 7,8 dan XP aja ya sobat BLEAZ3ERS,

Bagi kalian yang Mac atau sebagainya Maaf ya, Hack ini hanya berlaku untuk Windows, Soalnya kan Admin pakai Windows :D

Oke, Langsung ke TKP

Sebelum menggunakan Hacknya, Install Flash Player 11.8.800.94
Kalau kalian tidak menginstall nya, Dijamin 100% tidak akan bisa

Fitur Hack:

  • F1 - Click Anywhere / Tanpa mencari benda, Hanya diklik dimana saja benda ketemu sendiri

Link download

Password: BLEAZ3ERS

Video Cooming Soon!
Perlu di ingat!
Hack ini hanya ini hanya berlaku di Windows, Mozilla dan Flashplayer yang ditentukan 
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Hack Baseball Heroes


Kali ini saya akan berbagi Hack dengan kalian, Yaitu hack Baseball Heroes, Tapi hack ini hanya berlaku untuk Windows 7,8 dan XP aja ya sobat BLEAZ3ERS,

Bagi kalian yang Mac atau sebagainya Maaf ya, Hack ini hanya berlaku untuk Windows, Soalnya kan Admin pakai Windows :D

Oke, Langsung ke TKP

Sebelum menggunakan Hacknya, Install Flash Player 11.8.800.94
Kalau kalian tidak menginstall nya, Dijamin 100% tidak akan bisa
Fitur Hack:
  1. Insert - Anti Banned
  2. F1 - No Absorb Combo
  3. F2 - Max Combo
  4. F3 - Auto Swing
Link Download:


Video Cooming Soon!

Regards: Admin
Unknown Cheat, Hack

Update! Hack Line 8 Ball pool


Kali ini saya akan berbagi Hack dengan kalian, Yaitu hack LINE 8 BALL POOL, Tapi hack ini hanya berlaku untuk Windows 7,8 dan XP aja ya sobat BLEAZ3ERS,

Bagi kalian yang Mac atau sebagainya Maaf ya, Hack ini hanya berlaku untuk Windows, Soalnya kan Admin pakai Windows :D

Oke, Langsung ke TKP

Untuk cara makainya, Bisa liat video dibawah:

Regards: ADMIN
Unknown Cheat, Hack