If you do not want to pay, you must put my blog link in your blog, before I put a link on your blog, you should first read the following rules.
- Your visitors should be more than 3000 per day
- Has alexa ranking under 5000.000
- Content on your blog is not at all pornographic
Advertise 728x90 Header:
Slot: 1Advertise 25x25 Widget Tab:
Price: IDR 100.000 Or $9.10 Via Paypal
Duration Time: 1 Month
Status: Ready
Banner Format: Png, Jpg, Jpeg, Gif, and Swf
Slot: 4
Price: IDR 500.00 Or $4.60 Via Paypal
Duration Time: 1 Month
Status: Ready
Banner Format: Png, Jpg, Jpeg, Gif, Swf
I just provide payment by Paypal
PayPal: muhammadasrofi46@gmail.com
If you are making payment, please provide proof in the form of screenshot.